Be a magnet for positivity, beautiful. If you think positive thoughts, that is what you will attract. Turn down the volume of your mind monkeys and turn up the voice telling you ‘it can happen. It will happen.’ Have a fabulous day beautiful and plant some beautiful thoughts to create the garden of your dreams 💕😘

Let it go…


Hello beautiful people! I hope you’re having a super Sunday and feeling ready and raring to go on Monday – and the rest of your week…and life!

My little words of wisdom to you tonight are to let it go. Sometimes, you can feel like you’re fighting for what you want, fighting for what you believe, and fighting against the natural grain to get to where you want to be.

Stop fighting it. And start believing in it. Where you are right now is right where you are meant to be. And where you want to go will find its way to you. But you have to stop creating friction by fighting the present moment, and you have to start believing that what you want is destined and will happen when the moment is right.

And suddenly, like the switch of light bulb, you’ll feel switched on and ready. You’ll feel like a weight has been lifted by surrendering your dreams to the universe, your higher purpose and calling afloat in what is greater than you, and with this lightness you will be able to glide forwards. You will be ready. Your mind will be silent and you will be able to hear the signs to carry you along your journey…


Just let it go…x

Good morning beautiful! I haven’t posted for a few days due to being busy making my dreams come true. But do not for a moment think I left you. I’ve been carrying you in my heart, wondering how your pursuit of your dreams is going? If you are having any fears about anything? And I’ve been sending my love and luck you – and my belief in you! And if you’ve found the last few days a bit difficult, I want you to ask yourself: ‘If there was one thing I’ll ever regret not doing in life if I had the chance, it would be…’ Take a moment to think about it. Now take a moment to question why you haven’t done it. Grab a pen and write down the steps you could take to get there. You’re halfway there already, beautiful! And just remember, equally we say ‘wow, I did that’. Celebrate those times and remember it’s up to you to make less of the ‘I wish I did’ and more of the ‘I can’t believe I did that’. I believe you can 💕

Don’t chase the money…

I’ve never worked a daily in my life in a job I dislike in order to earn money. Every penny has come from doing something I love. And when I feel I need to move onto the next stay of my life, I move on – knowing that new opportunities will only come once I make space in my life for them. And with new opportunities comes money. Money will always come into your life so focus on chasing the dream first. No job is worth it if you’re unhappy. It’s better to say you’ve lived a life of happiness doing what you love everyday than doing a job you hate. And money doesn’t have to be at the expense of dreams – it can come with it. It is possible. Have a great day beautiful 💕

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